A school trip again! But what to do? No idea? Here comes the rescue! A trip to the high rope course – problem solved!
In the high rope course the trained instructor is already expecting you with some tricky group tasks. Together overcome a big spider web, find a treasure or crack a code. A school trip is not supposed to be a pure fun event, but also help the class to work together.
After the introduction on the practice course you can discover the high rope course and go climbing on gondolas, ropes, tyres or beams at the various stages. Even a bike, sledge and a snowboard are waiting for you. Skill, balance and confidence are the abilities that are in demand here. This strengthens courage, self-confidence and your social commitment.
But what to do in bad weather? We have a great alternative for you. e.g .:
– Tricky group tasks and fun in the indoor hall
Price per person (from 20 students a teacher is free)
– Climbing in the high rope course 14.00 EUR
– Climbing in the high rope course and community interaction in the team course 22.00 EUR
We need from your parents a “form of consent”. Please download the form, get it signed by your parents and bring it to the climbing day.